Tuesday, August 16, 2016

TDS Post Deploy Step: Trigger a site publish

TDS 5.5 introduced the ability to create custom post deployment steps, which are executed after a successful deployment and package install. Hedgehog is currently asking the community to contribute custom post deploy steps, so that we can gather a repository and share the knowledge (and reduce headaches). Below is a quick contribution that will trigger a site publish after a deployment.

Problem: We all know that sometimes a deployment adds content items that need to be published for a site to work and render properly. That's why TDS has a built-in post deploy step to publish the items that were just deployed. But what about all those content and media items that our content editors prepare in anticipation of a deployment? To publish those, we're often kicking off a full site publish.

Solution: This post deployment step will automatically trigger a site publish after a successful deployment.

You can download the code for the PublishSite post deploy step here.
If you haven't yet, check out the instructions on how to add a custom post deploy step to your TDS project.
Once it's added to your TDS project, you can configure the following parameters:

  • language - one or more comma-separated languages for which the publish will be performed. If omitted, a publish will be triggered for all available languages.
  • target - one or more comma-separated target databases. If omitted, a publish will be triggered for all available publishing targets.
  • mode - can be either 'full', 'smart', or 'incremental'. If omitted, the default option will be 'smart'


If you have custom post deploy steps of your own, we'd love to hear about them.

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